Dry flower bouquet "The Happiness Bouquet" - including transparent vase | 35cm
Bouquet "The Happiness Bouquet" has something magical about it. An absolute ray of sunshine for your home! This bouquet with vase will bring a smile to your face. For €34.99, you will automatically receive the bouquet with the vase from the photo.
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Description dried flower bouquet 'The Happiness Bouquet'
Dry flower bouquet "The Happiness Bouquet" radiates from all sides! This dried flower bouquet is, as the name reveals, a happy bouquet with the most colourful dried flowers. This bouquet will put a smile on your face.
IMPORTANT: for only €34. 99, you will automatically receive the bouquet with the vase from the photo (so the whole combination).
Size of bouquet: ⌀ 25 cm - height 35 cm
Vase size: ⌀ 12 cm - height 16 cm
Our dried bouquets are designed by our two top stylists who have been working in the floristry business for over 35 years. You receive the bouquet ready-made, which means that you receive the bouquet as shown in the picture (tied and in this composition). The bouquet is carefully sent in bubble wrap and a strong box, so it will be delivered to your home in perfect condition.
Always beautiful dried flower bunches: We have designed the composition so that you alwaysreceivethe right dried flowers that make up this dried flower bouquet. We make sure that the dried flowers are in stock, so you can rest assured that what you buy, you get.
- Although our bouquets look almost exactly alike, they are natural products, so the contents may differ slightly.