
Bouquet of dried flowers "Natural Pink" | 55cm

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  • Stock: 7

"Natural Pink" with light pink (pastel-like) colours and beautiful dried flowers is a fantastic dried bouquet at a competitive price. The bouquet looks great in the pink matching vase and this can be ordered (see options).

Ambient: our bouquets give warmth & coziness!

SRP€ 39,99 € 34,99*

* Incl. tax, Excl. Shipping costs

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  • Quality dried flowers TooltipWe have our own harvest of dried flowers, the quality of which is sublime. In addition, we only buy dried flowers from specialist growers of dried flowers.
  • Not good = Money back!
  • 1000+ positive reviews
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Product description

Bouquet of dried flowers "Natural Pink" | 55cm

"Natural Pink" with light pink (pastel-like) colours and beautiful dried flowers is a fantastic dried bouquet at a competitive price. The bouquet looks great in the pink matching vase and this can be ordered (see options).

Read the full product description

Description dried flower bouquet 'Natural Pink'

Dry flower bouquet "Natural Pink" is full of pink/pastel flowers, branches and wheatwes! This dried flower bouquet is beautiful, full of the colours of the period. This dried bouquet is quite modern and will fit best in more modern interior styles. Pastel-coloured bouquets are totally in right now, as well as this gorgeous pink vase.

The bouquet can be ordered separately, as well as with the beautiful (stylish) pink vase - see options.

  • Size of bouquet: ⌀ 35 cm - height 55 cm
  • Vase size: ⌀ 15.6 cm - height 23 cm

  • Long enjoyment: beautiful for months to years;
  • Easy: no maintenance required;
  • Economical: a lot cheaper than fresh flowers;
  • 100% Guarantee: money back!

Our dried bouquets are designed by our two top stylists who have been working in the florist trade for over 35 years. You will receive the bouquet ready-made, which means that you will receive the bouquet as shown in the picture (tied and in this composition). The bouquet is carefully sent in bubble wrap and a strong box, so it will be delivered to your home in perfect condition.

Always beautiful dried flower bunches: We have designed the composition so that you alwaysreceivethe right dried flowers that make up this dried flower bouquet. We make sure the dried flowers are in stock, so you can count on the fact that what you buy, you get.

Please note:

  • The product is a natural product, therefore the contents may be slightly different as in the picture.


Specifications for: Bouquet of dried flowers "Natural Pink" | 55cm

  • Size of bouquet ⌀ 35 cm
  • Bouquet height 55 cm
  • Colours pink, fuchsia, green
  • Composition of flowers 100% natural
  • Shelf life at least 6 months
  • View all specifications
  • Locations living room, dining room, office, kitchen
  • Care no care
  • Warranty not good = money back

Shipping & care products

Shipping & care products

You will receive the product in perfect condition and ready-made (as shown in the picture). You can simply place the drying bouquets in a vase and cut the string of the bouquet loose so that it falls nicely into the vase.

More information

All our products are designed by our two top stylists with more than 35 years of experience. We only use high-quality dried flowers. Our motto is: not good = money back!


User reviews 5 / 5Reviews:(17)

  • PW By Petra Wolferink - 12-09-2024 13:52

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Super sch\u00f6ner Strau\u00df! Sehr gl\u00fccklich mit ihm!\r\nGeliefert ordentlich verpackt, String aus und kann in der Vase in k\u00fcrzester Zeit sein!","de":"Super sch\u00f6ner Strau\u00df! Sehr gl\u00fccklich mit ihm!\r\nGeliefert ordentlich verpackt, String aus und kann in der Vase in k\u00fcrzester Zeit sein!","pl":"Super \u0142adny bukiet! Jestem z niego bardzo zadowolony!\r\nDostarczony starannie zapakowany, sznurek i mo\u017ce by\u0107 w wazonie w mgnieniu oka!","es":"\u00a1Super bonito ramo! \u00a1Muy contento con \u00e9l!\r\n\u00a1Se entrega muy bien empaquetado, ensartado y puede estar en el jarr\u00f3n en un santiam\u00e9n!","it":"Bellissimo bouquet! Molto soddisfatto!\r\nConsegnato ben confezionato, con un filo di spago e in grado di essere nel vaso in pochissimo tempo!","sv":"Super fin bukett! Mycket n\u00f6jd med den!\r\nLevereras snyggt f\u00f6rpackad, str\u00e4ng ut och kan vara i vasen p\u00e5 nolltid!","fr":"Super beau bouquet ! Tr\u00e8s heureux avec lui !\r\nLivr\u00e9 bien emball\u00e9, string out et peut \u00eatre dans le vase en un rien de temps !","en":"Super nice bouquet! Very happy with it!\r\nDelivered neatly packaged, string out and can be in the vase in no time!"}

  • MV By Marjolein van beek - 11-09-2024 16:15

    5 / 5

    {"original":"A mi madre le gust\u00f3 tanto el m\u00edo que se lo regal\u00e9 por su 70 cumplea\u00f1os. Qued\u00f3 muy contenta.","de":"Meiner Mutter hat es so gut gefallen, dass ich es ihr zum 70. Geburtstag geschenkt habe. Sie war sehr gl\u00fccklich.","pl":"Mojej mamie tak si\u0119 spodoba\u0142y, \u017ce podarowa\u0142em je jej na 70. urodziny. By\u0142a bardzo szcz\u0119\u015bliwa.","es":"A mi madre le gust\u00f3 tanto el m\u00edo que se lo regal\u00e9 por su 70 cumplea\u00f1os. Qued\u00f3 muy contenta.","it":"Il mio \u00e8 piaciuto cos\u00ec tanto a mia madre che gliel'ho regalato per il suo 70\u00b0 compleanno. Era molto contenta.","sv":"Min mamma gillade min s\u00e5 mycket att jag gav den till henne p\u00e5 hennes 70-\u00e5rsdag. Hon blev mycket glad.","fr":"Ma m\u00e8re a tellement aim\u00e9 le mien que je le lui ai offert pour son 70e anniversaire. Elle en a \u00e9t\u00e9 tr\u00e8s heureuse.","en":"My mother liked mine so much that I gave it to her for her 70th birthday. She was very happy."}

  • KD By kathleen degroote - 20-08-2024 13:41

    5 / 5

    {"original":"sehr sch\u00f6n, sch\u00f6ne Farben, die einen gl\u00fccklich machen","de":"sehr sch\u00f6n, sch\u00f6ne Farben, die einen gl\u00fccklich machen","pl":"bardzo \u0142adne, pi\u0119kne kolory, kt\u00f3re sprawiaj\u0105, \u017ce jeste\u015b szcz\u0119\u015bliwy","es":"muy bonito, hermosos colores que te hacen feliz","it":"molto bello, bei colori che mettono allegria","sv":"mycket fina, vackra f\u00e4rger som g\u00f6r en glad","fr":"tr\u00e8s beau, de belles couleurs qui rendent heureux","en":"very nice, beautiful colours that make you happy"}

  • NV By N van Balsfoort - 20-08-2024 13:30

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Es un ramo precioso y encaja muy bien con la combinaci\u00f3n de colores de la habitaci\u00f3n.","de":"Es ist ein wundersch\u00f6ner Strau\u00df, der sehr gut zum Farbschema des Raumes passt.","pl":"To pi\u0119kny bukiet i bardzo dobrze pasuje do kolorystyki pokoju.","es":"Es un ramo precioso y encaja muy bien con la combinaci\u00f3n de colores de la habitaci\u00f3n.","it":"\u00c8 un bouquet bellissimo e si adatta molto bene alla combinazione di colori della stanza.","sv":"Det \u00e4r en vacker bukett som passar mycket bra med rummets f\u00e4rgschema.","fr":"C'est un tr\u00e8s beau bouquet qui s'harmonise parfaitement avec les couleurs de la pi\u00e8ce.","en":"It's a beautiful bouquet and fits very well with the colour scheme of the room."}

  • KI By Kooi - 20-08-2024 13:18

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Tr\u00e8s beau bouquet, et super bon contact avec la livraison par email.","pl":"Bardzo pi\u0119kny bukiet i super dobry kontakt mailowy z dostawc\u0105.","de":"Sehr sch\u00f6ner Strau\u00df, und super guter Kontakt mit der Lieferung per E-Mail.","es":"Ramo muy bonito, y super buen contacto con la entrega por email.","it":"Bouquet molto bello, e contatto super buono con la consegna via e-mail.","sv":"Mycket vacker bukett, och superbra kontakt med leveransen via e-post.","fr":"Tr\u00e8s beau bouquet, et super bon contact avec la livraison par email.","en":"Very beautiful bouquet, and super good contact with the delivery by email."}

  • EN By Ellen - 20-08-2024 10:45

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Ich habe die Blumen bestellt und sie an Yvonne geschickt. Sie hat mir geschrieben, dass sie mit ihnen zufrieden war. Ich w\u00fcrde empfehlen, das Teilnahmeformular etwas klarer zu gestalten, so dass deutlicher wird, wer der Absender und wer der Empf\u00e4nger ist. Viel Gl\u00fcck mit den Trockenblumen.","pl":"Zam\u00f3wi\u0142em kwiaty i wys\u0142a\u0142em je do Yvonne. Napisa\u0142a mi, \u017ce jest z nich zadowolona. Zaleca\u0142bym, aby formularz zg\u0142oszeniowy by\u0142 nieco bardziej przejrzysty, aby by\u0142o jasne, kto jest nadawc\u0105, a kto odbiorc\u0105. Powodzenia z suszonymi kwiatami.","de":"Ich habe die Blumen bestellt und sie an Yvonne geschickt. Sie hat mir geschrieben, dass sie mit ihnen zufrieden war. Ich w\u00fcrde empfehlen, das Teilnahmeformular etwas klarer zu gestalten, so dass deutlicher wird, wer der Absender und wer der Empf\u00e4nger ist. Viel Gl\u00fcck mit den Trockenblumen.","es":"Encargu\u00e9 las flores y se las envi\u00e9 a Yvonne. Me escribi\u00f3 diciendo que estaba contenta con ellas. Recomendar\u00eda hacer el formulario de inscripci\u00f3n un poco m\u00e1s claro para que quede m\u00e1s claro qui\u00e9n es el remitente y qui\u00e9n el destinatario. Buena suerte con las flores secas.","it":"Ho ordinato i fiori e li ho inviati a Yvonne. Mi ha scritto che ne era felice. Consiglierei di rendere il modulo di iscrizione un po' pi\u00f9 chiaro, in modo che sia pi\u00f9 chiaro chi \u00e8 il mittente e chi \u00e8 il destinatario. Buona fortuna con i fiori secchi.","sv":"Jag best\u00e4llde blommorna och skickade dem till Yvonne. Hon skrev till mig att hon var n\u00f6jd med dem. Jag skulle rekommendera att man g\u00f6r anm\u00e4lningsformul\u00e4ret lite tydligare s\u00e5 att det framg\u00e5r vem som \u00e4r avs\u00e4ndare och vem som \u00e4r mottagare. Lycka till med de torkade blommorna.","fr":"J'ai command\u00e9 les fleurs et je les ai envoy\u00e9es \u00e0 Yvonne. Elle m'a \u00e9crit pour me dire qu'elle \u00e9tait satisfaite d'elles. Je recommanderais de rendre le formulaire de participation un peu plus clair, afin qu'il soit plus facile de savoir qui est l'exp\u00e9diteur et qui est le destinataire. Bonne chance avec les fleurs s\u00e9ch\u00e9es.","en":"I ordered the flowers and sent them to Yvonne. She wrote me that she was happy with them. I would recommend making the entry form a bit clearer so that it is clearer who is the sender and who is the recipient. Good luck with the dried flowers."}

  • ML By Meike Lemckert - 20-08-2024 09:50

    5 / 5

    {"original":"super zufrieden damit und wirklich gute Qualit\u00e4t!!!","pl":"super zadowolony z niego i naprawd\u0119 dobrej jako\u015bci !!!","de":"super zufrieden damit und wirklich gute Qualit\u00e4t!!!","fr":"super satisfait et vraiment de bonne qualit\u00e9 !!!","es":"\u00a1\u00a1\u00a1super contento con el y muy buena calidad!!!","it":"super soddisfatto e di ottima qualit\u00e0!!!","sv":"supern\u00f6jd med det och riktigt bra kvalitet !!!","en":"super happy with it and really good quality!!!"}

  • MC By marc - 20-08-2024 09:48

    5 / 5

    {"original":"schnelle Lieferung und nichts besch\u00e4digt","pl":"Szybka dostawa i nic nie uszkodzone","de":"schnelle Lieferung und nichts besch\u00e4digt","fr":"livraison rapide et rien d'endommag\u00e9","es":"Entrega r\u00e1pida y nada da\u00f1ado","it":"Consegna veloce e niente di danneggiato","sv":"Snabb leverans och inget skadat","en":"Fast delivery and nothing damaged"}

  • PB By Paula blom - 19-08-2024 16:36

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Bin total zufrieden damit.\r\nGenau das, was ich im Sinn hatte, sieht super aus in meinem alten Lampenkrug","pl":"Jestem z niego ca\u0142kowicie zadowolony.\r\nDok\u0142adnie to, co mia\u0142em na my\u015bli, wygl\u0105da \u015bwietnie w moim starym dzbanku lampy","de":"Bin total zufrieden damit.\r\nGenau das, was ich im Sinn hatte, sieht super aus in meinem alten Lampenkrug","fr":"J'en suis totalement satisfait.\r\nC'est exactement ce que j'avais en t\u00eate, \u00e7a a l'air super dans mon vieux lampadaire.","es":"Estoy totalmente contento con \u00e9l.\r\nExactamente lo que ten\u00eda en mente, se ve muy bien en mi vieja jarra de l\u00e1mpara.","it":"Sono totalmente soddisfatto.\r\nEsattamente quello che avevo in mente, sta benissimo nella mia vecchia lampada jug","sv":"Jag \u00e4r helt n\u00f6jd med den.\r\nExakt vad jag hade t\u00e4nkt mig, ser bra ut i min gamla lampkopp","en":"I'm totally happy with it.\r\nExactly what I had in mind, looks great in my old lamp jug"}

  • SD By Stephanie De Mey - 12-07-2024 13:29

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Beautiful bouquet, very nice vase, well packed and delivered quickly!","pl":"Pi\u0119kny bukiet, bardzo \u0142adny wazon, dobrze zapakowany i szybko dostarczony!","de":"Sch\u00f6ner Strau\u00df, sehr sch\u00f6ne Vase, gut verpackt und schnell geliefert!","fr":"Tr\u00e8s beau bouquet, tr\u00e8s beau vase, bien emball\u00e9 et livr\u00e9 rapidement !","es":"Un ramo precioso, un jarr\u00f3n muy bonito, bien empaquetado y entregado r\u00e1pidamente.","it":"Bellissimo bouquet, vaso molto bello, ben imballato e consegnato rapidamente!","sv":"Vacker bukett, mycket fin vas, v\u00e4lpackad och levererad snabbt!","en":"Beautiful bouquet, very nice vase, well packed and delivered quickly!"}

  • RA By Rita - 18-06-2024 12:39

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Joli bouquet naturel, couleur un peu moins vive que sur la photo, parfait pour moi.","pl":"Pi\u0119kny naturalny bukiet, nieco mniej jaskrawy ni\u017c na zdj\u0119ciu, idealny dla mnie.","de":"Sch\u00f6ner nat\u00fcrlicher Strau\u00df, etwas weniger kr\u00e4ftige Farbe als auf dem Foto, perfekt f\u00fcr mich.","es":"Precioso ramo natural, ligeramente menos colorido que en la foto, perfecto para m\u00ed.","fr":"Joli bouquet naturel, couleur un peu moins vive que sur la photo, parfait pour moi.","it":"Un bel bouquet naturale, dai colori un po' meno accesi rispetto alla foto, perfetto per me.","sv":"H\u00e4rlig naturlig bukett, n\u00e5got mindre f\u00e4rgglad \u00e4n p\u00e5 bilden, perfekt f\u00f6r mig.","en":"Lovely natural bouquet, slightly less brightly coloured than in the photo, perfect for me."}

  • DH By Dynah - 18-06-2024 11:30

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Pi\u0119kny bukiet, jeste\u015bmy z niego bardzo zadowoleni. Troch\u0119 \u017ale posz\u0142o z wysy\u0142k\u0105, przez co d\u0142ugo czekali\u015bmy, ale zosta\u0142o to dobrze rozwi\u0105zane. Zadowolony z tego.","pl":"Pi\u0119kny bukiet, jeste\u015bmy z niego bardzo zadowoleni. Troch\u0119 \u017ale posz\u0142o z wysy\u0142k\u0105, przez co d\u0142ugo czekali\u015bmy, ale zosta\u0142o to dobrze rozwi\u0105zane. Zadowolony z tego.","de":"Sch\u00f6ner Strau\u00df, wir sind sehr gl\u00fccklich mit ihm. Es ging ein bisschen falsch mit dem Versand, so dass wir eine lange Zeit warten, aber es war gut gel\u00f6st. Zufrieden mit ihm.","es":"Precioso ramo, estamos muy contentos con \u00e9l. Sali\u00f3 un poco mal el env\u00edo, haci\u00e9ndonos esperar mucho, pero se resolvi\u00f3 bien. Estamos muy satisfechos.","fr":"Tr\u00e8s beau bouquet, nous en sommes tr\u00e8s satisfaits. Il y a eu un petit probl\u00e8me au niveau de la livraison, ce qui nous a fait attendre longtemps, mais cela a \u00e9t\u00e9 bien r\u00e9solu. Nous en sommes satisfaits.","it":"Bellissimo bouquet, siamo molto soddisfatti. La spedizione \u00e8 andata un po' male, facendoci aspettare a lungo, ma \u00e8 stata risolta bene. Soddisfatti.","sv":"Vacker bukett, vi \u00e4r mycket n\u00f6jda med den. Det gick lite fel med leveransen, vilket gjorde att vi fick v\u00e4nta l\u00e4nge, men det l\u00f6stes bra. N\u00f6jd med det.","en":"Beautiful bouquet, we are very happy with it. It went a bit wrong with the shipping, making us wait a long time, but it was resolved well. Satisfied with it."}

  • RE By Rinkje - 18-06-2024 11:04

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Sch\u00f6n sch\u00f6n sch\u00f6n!!!!","pl":"Pi\u0119kne, pi\u0119kne, pi\u0119kne!!!!","de":"Sch\u00f6n sch\u00f6n sch\u00f6n!!!!","es":"\u00a1\u00a1\u00a1\u00a1Hermoso hermoso hermoso!!!!","fr":"Beau beau beau !!!!","it":"Bello bello bello!!!!","sv":"Vackert vackert vackert vackert!!!!","en":"Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!"}

  • PP By Petra Pothoven - 18-06-2024 10:48

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Super sch\u00f6nes Bouquet.","pl":"Bardzo \u0142adny bukiet.","de":"Super sch\u00f6nes Bouquet.","es":"Super bonito ramo.","fr":"Super beau bouquet.","it":"Un bouquet molto bello.","sv":"Superfin bukett.","en":"Super nice bouquet."}

  • AB By Annemieke Borkent - 17-06-2024 16:37

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Es ist ein super sch\u00f6ner Strau\u00df mit einer sch\u00f6nen Vase. Und der Service ist ausgezeichnet. Ich hatte bei der Bestellung selbst etwas falsch gemacht, aber die Firma hat es wunderbar hinbekommen. Sehr zu empfehlen!!!","pl":"To bardzo \u0142adny bukiet z pi\u0119knym wazonem. A obs\u0142uga jest doskona\u0142a. Zrobi\u0142em co\u015b nie tak, kiedy sam go zamawia\u0142em, ale firma wykona\u0142a wspania\u0142\u0105 robot\u0119. Gor\u0105co polecam!!!","es":"Es un ramo super bonito con un jarr\u00f3n precioso. Y el servicio es excelente. Algo hab\u00eda hecho mal cuando lo encargu\u00e9 yo, pero la empresa hizo un trabajo maravilloso. \u00a1\u00a1\u00a1Muy recomendable!!!","fr":"C'est un super beau bouquet avec un beau vase. Et le service est excellent. J'avais moi-m\u00eame fait une erreur lors de la commande, mais l'entreprise s'est merveilleusement bien d\u00e9brouill\u00e9e. Je le recommande vivement !!!","it":"\u00c8 un bouquet molto bello con un bellissimo vaso. E il servizio \u00e8 eccellente. Avevo sbagliato qualcosa quando l'ho ordinato da sola, ma l'azienda ha fatto un lavoro meraviglioso. Consigliatissimo!!!","sv":"Det \u00e4r en superfin bukett med en vacker vas. Och servicen \u00e4r utm\u00e4rkt. Jag hade gjort n\u00e5got fel n\u00e4r jag best\u00e4llde den sj\u00e4lv, men f\u00f6retaget gjorde ett fantastiskt jobb. Rekommenderas varmt!!!","de":"Es ist ein super sch\u00f6ner Strau\u00df mit einer sch\u00f6nen Vase. Und der Service ist ausgezeichnet. Ich hatte bei der Bestellung selbst etwas falsch gemacht, aber die Firma hat es wunderbar hinbekommen. Sehr zu empfehlen!!!","en":"It's a super nice bouquet with a beautiful vase. And the service is excellent. I had done something wrong when I ordered it myself, but the company did a marvellous job. Highly recommended!!!"}

  • RA By Ria - 17-06-2024 16:30

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Sehr sch\u00f6ne Blumen und sehr gut verpackt","pl":"Bardzo pi\u0119kne kwiaty i bardzo dobrze zapakowane","es":"Flores muy bonitas y muy bien empaquetadas","fr":"Tr\u00e8s belles fleurs et tr\u00e8s bien emball\u00e9es","it":"Fiori molto belli e molto ben confezionati","sv":"Mycket vackra blommor och mycket v\u00e4l f\u00f6rpackade","de":"Sehr sch\u00f6ne Blumen und sehr gut verpackt","en":"Very beautiful flowers and very well packaged"}

  • VD By van daele rudy - 17-06-2024 13:38

    5 / 5

    {"original":"Paketet \u00e4r mycket trevligt. V\u00e4l packat och levererat perfekt.","pl":"Przesy\u0142ka jest bardzo \u0142adna. Dobrze zapakowana i dostarczona idealnie.","es":"El paquete es muy bonito. Bien embalado y entregado perfectamente.","fr":"Le colis est tr\u00e8s beau. Bien emball\u00e9 et livr\u00e9 parfaitement.","it":"Il pacco \u00e8 molto bello. Ben imballato e consegnato perfettamente.","sv":"Paketet \u00e4r mycket trevligt. V\u00e4l packat och levererat perfekt.","en":"The parcel is very nice. Well packed and delivered perfectly.","de":"Das Paket ist sehr sch\u00f6n. Gut verpackt und perfekt geliefert."}

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    Bouquet of dried flowers "Natural Pink" | 55cm

    Bouquet of dried flowers "Natural Pink" | 55cm

    € 39,99 € 34,99* 4,8 / 5 - 122 Reviews @ Google my Company
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